Supreme Court appointment will energize the GOP base

Michael Graham:
In March, endangered Republican U.S. Senator Dean Heller of Nevada was caught on tape talking about his hope that a Supreme Court vacancy could help him hold on in November's election.

"Kennedy is going to retire around sometime early summer," Heller predicted in a private gathering. "Which I'm hoping will get our base a little motivated because right now they're not very motivated. But I think a new Supreme Court justice will get them motivated."

Is Sen. Heller right? That's certainly the conventional wisdom. Conservatives in general and Evangelicals in particular are more motivated by concerns over the courts. In 2016 exit polls, for example, 21 percent of voters said SCOTUS appointments were their most important issue, and those voters went overwhelmingly (56-41 percent) for Trump.

"Hold your nose and go vote," evangelist Franklin Graham said to a North Carolina rally just days before the election. "You have to decide which one of the two [presidential candidates] that you would trust to appoint justices that are going to protect our religious freedom as Christians."

And they listened. Despite Trump's porn star and potty mouth problems, he still got a higher percentage of the Evangelical vote than any presidential candidate in history. In part because practicing Christians really didn't like or trust Hillary Clinton, and in part because 70 percent of Evangelical voters said the Supreme Court was "very important" in their decision-making process.

So having a Supreme Court fight on the eve of the midterms -- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is talking about a vote in September -- should help, right?

Probably, but not the way it did in 2016. The boost for the GOP won't come from Trump's SCOTUS pick, but the likely progressive reaction to it.

And to paraphrase a bit of advice from Animal House: Mad, #Woke and wacky is no way to go through the midterms, liberals.

"The ugliest year of our political lives is about to become incomprehensibly uglier, with the Left's imminent declaration of total war on Trump's nominee," says Adam J. White, research fellow at the conservative Hoover Institution. If my twitter feed is any indication, he's absolutely right. Just search "SCOTUS" and "Impeach" to see what I mean.

Even before the prospect of a conservative SCOTUS majority, progressives were already chasing Republicans out of restaurants. Now that Roe v. Wade is theoretically at risk, what will the Maxine Waters brigade do now—start throwing them out of airplanes?

... What's happening this November is that Democrats like Joe Manchin (WV), Joe Donnelly (IN), Heidi Heitkamp (ND), and Claire McCaskill (MO) have to run against quality, non-crazy Republicans in states that Trump carried by double-digits.

And now, thanks to Justice Kennedy's retirement, those same Democrats have to vote against a conservative Supreme Court nominee…on the eve of an election. It's like a felon robbing a bank on his way to a parole hearing—it confirms everything they feared about you to begin with.
Democrats in hysteria is not a good look.  The polling following their weeks of hysteria about stopping illegals at the border shows Trump gaining in popularity and voters opposed to the Democrat alternative.  Hispanic voters are also gravitating toward Trump.  The more meltdowns they have the less persuasive they are.


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