Democrats have anther bad week

John Kass:
It’s already been a terrible week to be a Democratic Party boss, a week of emotional pain, sighs, sadness.

And though it was bad from Sunday on, things got even worse on Wednesday.

Democrats lost the Janus v. AFSCME case in the U.S. Supreme Court. The 5-4 decision strips vital public union political muscle away from the old-line bosses in states like Illinois.

“Public-sector unions have been able to wall people in by the coercive power of law, but that’s changed thanks to this Supreme Court decision,” said John Tillman, CEO of the conservative Illinois Policy Institute that organized the lawsuit started by Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner.

“Unions won’t have that monopoly control over the political process that has created fiscal nightmares in Illinois and other states. It’s a new day,” Tillman told me.

It might be too late for Janus to have an impact on politics in November, but studies show government workers peel away from left-leaning public-sector unions when they’re given a chance to keep their own money.

In some states, where government workers are freed from their public-sector unions, the Democratic vote drop has been estimated at between 3-5 percent.
The Kennedy retirement from the Supreme Court also means the Democrats lose their swing vote.

If you want to know how states like Illinois and California have unsustainable pension obligations look no further than the corrupt bargain between Democrats and public employee unions.  The Unions spend money to elect Democrats and then bargain with those same Democrats over pay and benefits and there is no one at the table to represent the taxpayers who will have to pay for their deal.

Kass believes that by 2020 the Janus ruling will have a real impact on Democrat political power.


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