Poll shows media hysteria over border separations has not helped Democrats

Town Hall:
As Townhall previously reported, a CBS poll released today showed that more Americans than not want illegal alien families either detained or deported all together. But, that same poll shows that 51% of Americans believe that a wall along the United States southern border is a good thing, even if that structure does not span coast-to-coast.

According to the poll, 32% of Americans believe that "a wall along the U.S. Mexican border" is a "good idea that can probably be completed." 19% of those polled answered that the wall is a "a good idea that should be tried, even if it cannot be completed." 48% of the 2063 adults polled said the wall was a "bad idea."

The CBS poll was conducted last week from June 21-June 22. The poll comes after nearly two weeks of intense national scrutiny of the Trump administration regarding its handling of the southern border child migrant crisis. Democratic officials, liberals, and moderate Republicans have blasted President Trump for his "zero tolerance" policy of separately detaining illegal alien children from their parents when caught crossing the Mexican-American border.

President Trump has long promised a "big beautiful wall," but so far has been unable to receive the necessary funding. In an op-ed on Friday, liberal commentator Andrew Sullivan argued that Democratic representatives should give Trump "his f*cking wall. He won the election. He is owed this. It may never be completed; it may not work, as hoped. But it is now the only way to reassure a critical mass of Americans that mass immigration is under control, and the only way to make any progress under this president."
It appears the Democrats and the media have failed in their goal of mad-dogging the Republicans into caving to the Democrats open borders agenda.  I suspect that their hysteria will continue to backfire on them and their attacks on Trump officials will further degrade their efforts. 

Ed Morrissey has more on the poll results that saw the Democrat lead in the generic ballot shrink during this period.


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