The shift is not Obama's problem

NY Times:

Shifts on Libya Attack Could Cost Obama Politically

Changing accounts of the attack on the diplomatic compound in Libya have left President Obama exposed on foreign policy and national security, issues where he has an advantage among voters.
Actually, Obama's problem began with his attempt to mislead the country about the cause of the attacks on our people in Benghazi.  But his problem is also the complete collapse of the facade of success on foreign policy with Muslim countries where we are more hatred now than we were when bush was in office. At least then there were respect for this country even if they did not like our policies, now they don't like us and they don't respect us either.

The media fell for Clinton's media body guard's false narrative about Romney's criticism of the groveling attitude of our Cairo embassy, and missed one of the larger points about the failure of Obama policy.  It has been and continues to groveling when it comes to the "sensitivities"  of people who want to impose their weird values on us.

While I don't care if they think Mohammad was a prophet, they don't seem to respect that to Christians Christ was more than a prophet.  These people rarely condemn are try to stop those engaged in the mass murder of Christians on a weekly basis, and yet this administration seems to think insults to Islam is a bigger crime than mass murder.

Obama's shift came because his false narrative was no longer tenable.  But the scandal is that he knew or should have known that it was not tenable within 24 hours of the events in Benghazi.  He sent an ambassador out to mislead Americans well after it was clear that this was not a spontaneous attack, and he continued to push that bogus story after even his own people were more tethered to reality.  His disdain for participating in intelligence briefings left him vulnerable, because most sentient people were already raising questions he should have been raising about the attacks.

I suspect he did this because the truth was inconsistent with the political narrative he had been trying to spin at the DNC about the "success" of his foreign policy.  With that policy now in tatters, he can only hope that his media body guards can help him fool people for a few more weeks.


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