Reaction to Benghazi worse than Watergate

Roger L. Simon:
For over forty years now, the Watergate scandal — the June 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters and the subsequent cover-up by the Nixon administration — has been the sine qua non of American political malfeasance. It has been followed by myriad other “gates” affecting both parties but has never been superseded.

Until now.

Benghazi or Benghazigate, as some call it, is worse. Far worse. Incomparably worse.

Watergate caught numerous public officials lying, including the president of the United States, but Benghazigate has all that and more.

It involves the terrorist murder (not an electorally irrelevant burglary) of government officials, their reckless endangerment, the undermining of the Bill of Rights and free speech by our own administration in response to Islamist threats, and, ultimately, the complicity of that same administration, consciously or unconsciously, in the downfall of Western civilization.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media function as their more-than-willing accomplices in this downfall, in essence as Obama’s court eunuchs.

Sound excessive?

Hear me out.
But first a word from Democratic pollster Pat Caddell, who evidently feels the same way:
First of all, we’ve had 9 days of lies.…If a president of either party…had had a terrorist incident and gotten on an airplane [after remarks] and flown off to a fundraiser in Las Vegas, they would have been crucified…it should have been, should have been, the equivalent, for Barack Obama, of George Bush’s “flying over Katrina” moment. But nothing was said at all. Nothing will be said. [...] It is [unacceptable] to specifically decide that you will not tell the American people information they have a right to know. [The MSM] has made themselves the enemy of the American people. It is a threat to the very future of the country; we’ve crossed a new and frightening line on the slippery slope, and it needs to be talked about. (h/t: The Anchoress)
Not to mention Democratic pundit Kirsten Powers:
There are so many unanswered questions, not just about Libya, but also about Cairo. Who is it that Rice thinks “widely disseminated” this “movie?” Surely she can’t believe that the Egyptian Coptic Christian who made the video had the capacity or even desire to put it in the hands of the people who did the inciting. Also, has the administration noticed that the mob in Cairo, so spontaneously upset about the video, just happened to be carrying an Islamist flag to hoist over our embassy? On 9/11. What a massive coincidence…. They say curiosity killed the cat. In this case, lack of curiosity on the part of the American media very well may kill more Americans. (h/t:Hot Air)
And so on. There’s more at both of these links. Watergate is child’s play by comparison.
There is much more.

There is incompetence and there is also willful ignorance and avoidance of the facts.  The Obama administration has an election to win and it is clearly willing to ignore national secuirty to do it.  What is the excuse for the mainstream media?  Oh yeah< they have an election to win for Obama too.  This maybe the most corrupt media in this nations history.  This is about more than just administration's attempt to mislead us about the cause of the murder of our people in Benghazi.  All of these demonstrations are by people who want to impose their weird religious beliefs on us.  The media is supposed to be concerned with protecting our freedom of speech, but they sit idly by and become complicit with an administration that is actively helping the enemy to undermine it.

Fox News talks about the disparate coverage by the main stream media.  This Sunday could be a real test of the integrity of the Sunday shows where Ambassador Rice made her false and misleading statements.  Will they ask her back to explain or will they comment on the changing narrative?


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