Media corruption is rampant

Douglas MacKinnon:

The nation and world face an epic crisis made more dangerous by the proliferation of terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and twisted minds who'd think nothing of using them to advance their cause or "theology."

Yet, our mainstream media deliberately choose to ignore these exponentially growing threats while working in concert with the Obama campaign to ensure the president's re-election.

Much worse, some in the media are themselves betraying national security secrets in an effort to make Obama look more "presidential" or harm the conservative narrative.

Beyond their leaking of highly classified information, the media are a real threat to security because they flat-out know:

• Public employee unions have decimated the finances of an expanding number of cities, counties and states.

• Poverty is rising, unemployment is accelerating, median household incomes have fallen and Obama has created a debt poison-pill that will cripple our economic future.

• Teacher unions are destroying the futures of poor and at-risk children, but the media look the other way to protect one of the largest special interests of the Democrat Party.

• Obama has no foreign policy, and his ineptitude, along with that of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was exposed with the planned terrorist killings of U.S. diplomats in Libya — murders the president dismissed as "bumps in the road."

Yet the media choose to attack Romney for rightfully calling on the president and Clinton to stop their campaign of appeasement and apology.

• "Green" initiatives such as Solyndra are paybacks to major donors, outright frauds or alternative energy "solutions" with one real purpose: to give liberals false talking-points while sucking hundreds of billions more out of taxpayers' bank accounts.

The list goes on, but suffice it to say a case can be made that the mainstream media represent a clear and present danger to our well-being.
They are unlikely to call themselves to account and Romney has a race to run against Obama.  To do so he is going to have to go over the heads of the corrupt media.  Finding an artful way to do that maybe his biggest challenge, because he cannot expect fair treatment from those who are desperate to get Obama reelected.

It is the things they do not report that are just as important an indicator of bias as teh things they unfairly report about Romney.  They are engaged in a passive aggressive cover up of his foreign policy failures and his economic failures while trying to tamp down any criticism of those faults by Romney.  They are not interested in a real debate on the issues they just want Romney to quit running against Obama.

Pat Caddell gives a scathing speech on the media corruption.

It is long, but worth it.


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