Egypt releases terrorist who murdered tourist

Daniel Greenfield:
President Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Monster-in-Charge of Egypt, has announced the pardon of Mostafa Hamza, a leader of The Islamic Group.
Al-Jamaa Al-Islamiya leader Mostafa Hamza, detained for terrorist activity and attempt on Hosni Mubarak’s life, released Tuesday by President Morsi’s pardon. Hamza, a leading member of Islamic organisation Al-Jamaa Al-Islamiya, was extradited to Egypt from Iran in 2004. He was detained following terrorism-related charges that included being a member of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.Forget Mubarak, Hamza was responsible for a lot of atrocities, but his ugliest hour may have been the Luxor Massacre.
Six black-garbed gunmen killed two police officers and shot unarmed ticket-takers Monday while taking over the temple compound.
They then took their time–”dancing and singing” for an hour, one survivor said–as they slaughtered and mutilated helpless visitors from Switzerland, Japan, Germany, Britain and several other countries.
Police said Thursday that a note found in the wallet of one of the attackers said the operation had been ordered by an Islamic Group leader, Mustafa Hamza, who is believed to be in hiding in Afghanistan.
The Luxor Massacre has been mostly forgotten, but it deserves to be remembered as a template of the Islamist soul. The full horror of what happened there needs to be understood for us to understand what Morsi has just done.
As they ran past a Japanese tourist, she said, one of the men fired into the woman’s face from a range of about 15 inches.
“They made us get down on our knees,” Ms Dousse said. “And then they started shooting. A man who was very heavy fell on me and the lady behind me also covered me … They shot me in the arm and leg, and then they started again shooting those who were still alive in the head.
The gunmen “took all the young women, the girls, and disappeared with them. I don’t know where they went with the women, but they hurt them. We could hear screams of pain,” Dousse said.
“It went on for a long time, an hour or an hour and a half. The terrorists came back again and again; they danced and sang,” she said.
There is more.

Turning loose this murderous thug should be a warning to anyone who is even thinking about a tourist visit to Egypt at this time.  Why would a civilized person even think about releasing such a person?   Egypt's current leaders are not only not an ally, they are friends with the enemy.  This should be a story on the front pages of our newspapers, but I suspect it is being suppressed because it would not be helpful to Obama's campaign.


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