Oh, poor Hillary, people are saying mean things

Jack Tapper:

There's an interesting meme of Democratic victimology developing here…

In addition to former Sen. John Edwards, D-NC, saying that media attention on his hair stems from powerful interests who "want to shut me up", it should be noted that Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, is also wading a bit into the waters of victimology…

After being the first one to really amp up her disagreement with Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, from Monday night's debate -- her campaign sent out the video of their respective answers before the debate was even over, and she was the first one to personally use perjorative adjectives against Obama -- she's now trying to raise money claiming he "attacked" her.

"Last week, one of the leading Republican candidates equated Hillary with Karl Marx. Yesterday, one of the leading Democratic candidates called her 'Bush-Cheney lite,'" wrote Clinton campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle in the e-mail. "Hillary is under attack from opponents on all sides. When you're attacked, you expect your family and friends to stand with you…"

The short, 440-word fundraising appeal uses a form of the word "attack" six times. With Clinton as the victim, naturally.

Moreover, the Washington Post has also obtained a fundraising letter from Clinton taking issue with Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post fashion writer Robin Givhan's style-section story about Clinton's cleavage. (LINK)

"Frankly," writes Clinton senior adviser Ann Lewis (LINK), "focusing on women's bodies instead of their ideas is insulting....By now the media should know better. But they don't."


This is pretty funny stuff. Tapper goes on to quote John Edwards as saying people are trying to shut him up. This coming from the party that wants the "fairness" doctrine so they can shut up conservatives on talk radio is pretty rich. Speaking of rich, getting this rich trial lawyer to shut up is the last thing Republicans want. His ideas are so bad that the more exposure they get the better for the GOP

As for Ann Lewis's concern about Hillary's body, she really has nothing to worry about. If she wins, it want be because people think she is hot.


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