Message Traffic in Baghdad

Reports of light message traffic between Baghdad and Iraqi troops do not necessarily mean they are not communicating. Since the Iraqis know the US is reading their mail, they have probably switched to messages written on Saddam's steno pad that he was reading his speech from the other day. It will be a problem for him once the troops make contact with American units. This would suggest that he has given them contingencie orders on how to respond should certain events transpire. His current lack of response may be a rope a dope strategy to avoid communication, take the blows and wait untill US forces are concentrated near Baghdad to launch his bio-chem attacks. His problem will probably come down to whether his delivery system survives. The WMD will likely be delivered by artillery or missile. Artillery is not hard to spot and will probably be destroyed by US forces before it can be used. The missles will be more difficult to spot, but he has the problem of being able to bring concentrated delivery with accuracy and he will likely get only one shot, before the launchers are seen.


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