Dem's Demand for War Cost Estimate

There are at least two reasons for this request neither of which is flattering to Democrats. The first is the search for a gotcha sound bite when the actual costs are known. The other reason is that the Dems have other priorities that they want to spend money on. They would prefer to put the cost of regime change in Iraq behind Democrat priorities like drugs for the elderly and other social programs. Similarly most of the expenditures they want on homeland security are not to increase security but to send money to their consitituiency groups in the hopes of buying more votes. At this point the Democrats who have a terrible reputation on national security issues, appear to be confirming the public's low opinion of them on this issue.

Dean's Continued Language Abuse

Howard Dean is a recidivist abuser of the term UNilateral. Friday he continued to mislead audiences by claiming that the US action against Iraq is unilateral. He is either making up a definition or is too misinformed to be considered a serious candidate. Surly Dean can express his disagreement with US policy without making fraudulant statements about the policy. With his phony charge of unilateralism, is he saying he would support the policy is the US has allies? Has he been ignoring the number of allies that have joined with the US in facing Iraq? His shameless misleading use of the term unilateral raises serious questions about his integrity.


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