Idiots on Parade

Reports this afternoon suggest a column of 20 vehicles, some of them armored have left Basra headed toward British postions. There is another reports that a 1000 vehicle column of Republican Guard is headed toward Marine units moving toward Baghdad. It is hard to imagine a greater gift to coalition forces, getting these vehicles out in the open on a highway where aircraft can destroy them, rather than having to digging them out of defensive positions. The attacks on supply lines have been disasterous for his forces. Iraqis lost up to 300 troops in a fight with a US armored column over the evening. His uncoordinated raids should have no effect on the operation.

The Civilian Casualty Show

The hypocrits at Al Jazeera are showing what are claimed to be civilian casualties in Baghdad. The so call injuries appear to be staged. Considering the way Saddam's thugs fired directly on civilians in Basra yesterday the crocidile tears should not be believed. It is probably more likely that to the extent a missle was fired into a civilian area of Baghdad it came from Saddam's forces. In fact, it is likely that Saddam staged the event to distract from events in Basra. While the Jihad network wants to play a sadistic despot as a victim, its credibility will look ridiculous when the country is liberated and the hoorors of Saddam's regime are displayed. Just like the propaganda they put on display for the Taliban despots, this will not change the outcome.


The discovery of weapons and chemical warfare suits in a hospital that also had a tank in its compound suggest that when it comes time clean out the cities of Iraq hospitals will have to be searched early on. Mosques should also be throughly searched. The destructions of the Parthanon in Greece occurred when a muslim army converted it to a mosques and used it to store ammunition, that was blown when hit by forces trying to take back the city.


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