The Last, Last, Last Mile Hopefully

President Bush is going to the Azores to meet with Blair and Aznor about what to do with the UN. The answer seems obvious. Blair has already declared his willingness to go without a UN ticket, as has Bush. They both need to take action and quit being jerked around by the French and other lesser powers who are trying to prop up a murderous despot. Even the UN's goal is inadequate because it does not require regime change of a recedivist violator of UN resolutions. If any regime has earned a death penalty from the UN it the one in Iraq, yet the UN will not act. Continued dithering at the UN is not leadership. It is giving a gift of time to Saddam who is reportedly move his forces into postion to attack US forces in Kuwait. These forces are at their most vulnerable while waiting to attack. If allies cannot go without UN approval, the US should go without them and not subject our troops to further delay. After Iraq is liberated let the Euro wimps regret that they were not there to participate in the liberation.


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