Arab Fantasy World

Ralph Peters Has an excellent discussion of Arab mentality as reflected by Arab television.

Expectation Wars

The whining of some media types this week about why Iraq has not surrendered yet may be based on the opening psy-op moves by the Pentagon to get Iraqi commanders to surrender. Certainly initially contact with Iraqi divisions around Basara did result in surender. Since that time there has been no contact with the regular Iraqi army. The Republican Guard is trying to hang on around Baghdad, but they have not had direct contact with US ground forces. Along the supply line there has been unorganized raids by illegal combatants. Suicide attacks are for losers, and are employed by people who perceive themselves as losing. If 4,000 Arabs have decided to be rats jumping on Saddam's ship of state they will very likely find the death they seek, but it unlikely they will have many successful attacks on US forces. At this point of all the casualties US forces have had their are hardly any at the "tip of the spear" pointed at Baghad. What this means is that Iraqi have not been able to attrite the forces that threaten them the most.


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