
Protest over the war to liberate Iraq seem to have no rational argument. People who compare President Bush to Hitler are ignorant of history and current facts. If they are making the analogy as a form of insult, it becomes more meaningless--insults should not be confused with rational argument. While there are some who oppose the war because they wished to continue to pursue means that have failed over the last 12 years to disarm Iraq, most of the opposition that has lead to demonstrations in the street is the result of a phobic reaction to the use of force by the US for any reason. In this country these demonstrators are doing more damage to the Democrats left wing than they are to the political position of George Bush.

Meyer's Agrees

Gen. Meyers, speaking on Fox News Sunday, agrees with the points below under Message Traffic in Baghdad. He also mentioned the focus on destroying delivery systems for WMD.

Where are the Refugees? II

Jordan has constructed a tent city for refugees that is sitting empty. The Turks are manuever troops but have seen little refugee activity. After the '91 war there were refugees flooding into every bordering country, when the Iraqis realized Saddam would remain in power. With it looking like Saddam is doomed they appear to be staying home, in the hope that he is.


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