Joe is accused of lying about his interactions with Hunter's clients

 The Federalist:

Joe Biden Allegedly Interacted With Son’s Clients More Than 200 Times

 Biden vehemently denied ever talking business with his son ‘or with anyone else’ in the run-up to the 2020 election.

He must have thought telling the truth would not benefit his campaign. 

See, also:

25th Amendment Looms: Kunstler Warns Biden's "Infirmity Is As Hard To Ignore As The Evidence Of His Crimes"


 Devon Archer’s testimony proves it: Hunter’s a grifter — and Joe’s a damn liar


 Trump slams Senate Republicans for going soft on Biden after 'all these horrible revelations' - including up to $40M in foreign payments to his family - that are being 'undeniably proven' in the House


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