US passports found on al Qaeda fighters in Somalia?

ABC News:

A senior official in the Somali government's new Ministry of the Interior told ABC News government forces had recovered "dozens of foreign passports," including several American passports, on the bodies of al Qaeda fighters killed in combat between forces affiliated with the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) and Ethiopian forces in Somalia.

According to the same source, most of the foreign passports were Sudanese, Pakistani and Yemeni, but several American, British and Australian passports were also recovered.

The senior Somali government official told ABC News that the American passports found on the dead bodies near Baidoa, in Somalia, would be turned over to the American government.


How do they know the dead are al Qaeda? Do they have an al Qaeda ID card? It is a good bet they were not wearing an identifying uniform. My speculation is that all foreign are being labeled al Qaeda.


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