Mayor drops "n-word" ban proposal

Houston Chronicle:

After facing intense opposition against a proposed ordinance that would have outlawed the use of the "n-word" in his town, Brazoria Mayor Ken Corley announced Thursday he would drop the proposal altogether.

Corley's decision brought applause from most of the 200 people who gathered in the middle of Main Street to discuss the issue.

The meeting was held outside Thursday because the town's council chamber is too small.

Though almost all speakers said they condemned the use of racial epithets, most said the Brazoria County town of 2,800 has few racial problems, and the proposed ordinance would cause more problems than it would cure.

"I'm embarrassed for my little town," said Bill Lott, who is white. "We need to unite, not divide."

The Rev. Melvin Johnson, who is black, said he thought it was wrong to single out one word.

A few speakers, however, liked the proposed ordinance.

It was a silly idea. If people want to demonstrate their ignorance and ugliness they will and the most effective way of dealing with them is to ignore them. Reacting emotionally to insults only gives them what they want. Ignoring them frustrates their objectives. It is time to remember the sticks and stones lecture from your mom. Words will only hurt you if you let them.


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