Harris running behind with Black men

 The Federalist Wire:


Former President Barack Obama voiced his concerns on Thursday about a significant lack of support for Vice President Kamala Harris among Black men, attributing the hesitation in part to her being a woman. While addressing a crowd at a “Black Voters for Harris” event in Pittsburgh, Obama, now 63, spoke candidly about the energy gap he perceives in Harris’ campaign compared to his own.

“We have yet to see the same kinds of energy and turnout in all corners of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running,” Obama remarked, highlighting the difference between past and present enthusiasm levels in the Black community. He specifically pointed out the gap as being “more pronounced with the brothers,” referring to Black men.

Calling out what he described as “reasons and excuses” for the lukewarm reception of Harris’ candidacy, Obama expressed frustration. “I’ve got a problem with that,” he emphasized, stating that part of the issue might stem from discomfort with the idea of a woman president. “You’re coming up with all kinds of reasons… Part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president.”

The former president also took aim at Black men who support Donald Trump, a growing trend reflected in recent polling data. Surveys indicate that more Black Americans, particularly Black men under 50, are considering voting for Trump in 2024 than in the previous election, with one poll showing 1 in 4 Black men leaning toward the former president. Obama denounced this shift, particularly when it comes to the perception that Trump’s tough, often divisive rhetoric represents “strength.”

“You’re thinking about sitting out or supporting somebody who has a history of denigrating you because you think that’s a sign of strength because that’s what being a man is? Putting women down? That’s not acceptable,” Obama stated, speaking out against what he called a misconception about masculinity.

I do not buy the assertion that Trump is racist.  But crying racism has become part of the Democrat tropes to keep the Black vote.  In fact, I think Blacks were better off when Trump was president just like the majority of Americans.  It is reasonable to believe that Black men and women were better off in the Trump economy than they are under the Biden-Harris inflation economy.

See also:

NY Times Admits Harris Losing Black Support


 In 2016, Hillary Clinton pulled 92% of the Black vote. In 2020, President Joe Biden pulled a smaller but still commanding 90%. According to the most recent NY Times/Siena College poll from last week, Harris is only earning 78% support among Black voters. Over the last eight years, Black support for the Republican candidate has more than doubled since 2016 and currently stands at 15%.



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