DeSantis responds to media 'climate change' BS

 The Federalist Wire:


During a press conference on Thursday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis took aim at a reporter who linked global warming to the recent spate of extreme weather in the state. DeSantis’ remarks came in the wake of two hurricanes and several tornadoes hitting Florida in a short span.

In response to the reporter’s question, DeSantis was quick to downplay the idea that these weather events were unprecedented.

“I think you can go back and find tornadoes for all of human history,” he said, pointing out that Hurricane Milton, the most recent storm, was relatively weak compared to Florida’s historical hurricanes.

The governor emphasized that Milton made landfall with a barometric pressure of around 950 millibars. By comparison, DeSantis noted, “If you go back to 1851, there’s probably been 27 hurricanes that have had lower barometric pressure.”

Of those, 17 occurred before 1960. The lower the pressure, the stronger the storm, and Milton, by historical standards, didn’t rank among Florida’s worst.

He went on to provide more context, citing the most powerful hurricane on record in the state, the Labor Day Hurricane of the 1930s. “The barometric pressure on that was 892 millibars,” DeSantis said.

“It totally wiped out the Keys. We’ve never seen anything like it, and that remains head and shoulders above any powerful hurricane that we’ve ever had in the state of Florida.”

He also referenced the deadliest storm in Florida’s history, the Okeechobee Hurricane of 1928, which claimed over 4,000 lives.

DeSantis urged people to maintain perspective when assessing extreme weather, cautioning against sensationalizing each new storm as if it were a unique or historically unprecedented event.

Storms have been coming and going since the memory of man knoweth noeth not.  It is a mistake to overrate storms.  The global warming crowd has been serially wrong about weather events.


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