Trump says NATO members must pay their fair share

DC Daily Journal:


One of the major concerns the political class has is that Donald Trump is going to take the United States out of NATO and burn that bridge entirely. Well the former president has a new announcement on that front.

Donald Trump has shared with reporters that he intends to keep the United States in the NATO alliance, but on one condition. That condition is that the rest of the members of NATO keep good on their promises of their NATO membership.

In an interview with the former British politician and now TV journalist, Nigel Farage, Donald Trump lamented that the United States is being taken “advantage” of by doing all the heavy lifting, specifically in terms of defense spending.

“NATO has to treat the U.S. fairly, because if it’s not for the United States, NATO literally doesn’t even exist,” Trump shared with Nigel Farage.

“But they took advantage of us — like most countries do.”

Nigel then asked Donald Trump if he would view the United States’ relationship with NATO differently if the other members would uphold their end of the bargain, to which Donald Trump said “Yes, 100%.”

The former President made it clear in no uncertain terms that he believes the NATO relationship can and should change based on the way the USA is treated.

Trump went on to say that what this is all about is the United States not having to foot the bill for everyone else’s protection. He described it as simply “unfair.”

That sounds like a reasonable position.  

See also:

Putin is now openly planning for war against Nato


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