The immigrant population explosion under Biden

 NY Post:

The immigrant population has exploded by an unprecedented 6.4 million under President Biden amid the migrant crisis — an increase four times higher than under former President Donald Trump, a new study reveals.

Overall, a record-shattering 51 million people living in the United States were born in another country, a surge triggered by the millions of migrants crossing the border, the report by the Center for Immigration Studies found.

“We’ve never seen anything like this before over a three-year period of time. All prior records have been surpassed,” said Steven Camarota, the research director for CIS and author of the analysis.

The report provided fodders to critics of Biden’s border policy.

“The buck stops with President Biden. We have no border,” said Councilman David Carr (R-Staten Island).

“We need a president who is going to reassert our sovereignty at our border. We have a federal government that has abdicated its responsibility. Everyone around the world knows it’s open season.”

Waves of migrants are flooding urban areas including in New York City, straining the Big Apple’s shelter system and budget.

More than half of the migrants arriving came here illegally without documentation, the report claims.

The report also said that in February 2024, the foreign-born population in the United States hit a new high of 51.4 million and now accounts for 15.5% — surpassing all prior records.

The foreign-born share of the US population has more than tripled since 1970, nearly doubled since 1990, and is up 40 percent just since 2000.

Growth in the foreign-born population is being driven primarily by immigration from Latin America, which has grown 4.2 million since January 2021.

This is a result of Biden's open borders policy and the Democrats attempt to change the demographics of this country for political reasons.  It will take a new election to turn things around.

See also:

Venezuelans are increasingly stuck in Mexico, explaining drop in illegal crossings to US


 Venezuelan migrant Leonel Moreno is FINALLY arrested by ICE in Ohio after sparking fury with TikTok videos sharing squatting tips on how to invade homes


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