The Palestinians lost right to Gaza with mass murder of Jews

Headline USA: 

'Genocide Joe has got to go!...'

The war in Gaza is a direct result of Palestinians attacking Israel.   There was no attack on Gaza before the assault on Israelis.

See also:

Gaza -- Truths Behind All the Lies

Prior to October 7, there were roughly two million Arab citizens of Israel but no Jewish citizens in Gaza. Gazans in 2006 voted in Hamas to rule them. It summarily executed its Palestinian Authority rivals. Hamas canceled all future scheduled elections. It established a dictatorship and diverted hundreds of billions of dollars in international aid to build a vast underground labyrinth of military installations.

Collateral damage

Hamas began the war by deliberately targeting civilians. It massacred them on October 7 when it invaded Israel during a time of peace and holidays. It sent more than 7,000 rockets into Israeli cities for the sole purpose of killing noncombatants. It has no vocabulary for the collateral damage of Israeli civilians, since it believes any Jewish death under any circumstances is cause for celebration.

Hamas places its terrorist centers beneath and inside hospitals, schools, and mosques. Why? Israel is assumed to have more reservations about collaterally hitting Gaza civilians than Hamas does exposing them as human shields.

If you are looking for war criminals in the Middle East you would start with Hamas.  The group is made up of religious bigots who are willing to engage in the mass murder of non-combatants.  Gaza was attacked by Israel after the mass murder attacks.


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