Attack on the US border

 DC Daily Journal:

And Border Patrol released a video of an attack at the border that you have to see to believe.

A group of over 100 illegal aliens seeking to illegally enter the United States, assaulted a border wall on Thursday, smashing through razor wire and knocking down guards.

The New York Post observed approximately 600 illegal aliens gathered at the international border, whom the Texas National Guard was attempting to push back in small groups.

The scenario became serious when groups were separated, and video showed the illegal aliens pleading for aid and running to the border gate.

A gang of men in sweatshirts, gloves, and winter jackets then pulls the fencing aside, while a group of five guards forms a defensive line to close the gap.

In the footage, some illegal aliens are seen raising their hands in surrender, but seconds later, others scramble through, knocking the guards aside.

The mob then dashes to the border fence and begins shouting at the national guardsmen on the opposite side.

The Texas National Guard then moved promptly to secure the region.

Texas has sent National Guard troops to the border with Mexico as part of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star.

On Tuesday, the state began preparing to implement SB4, a new law that allows state and municipal officials to arrest people for unlawful entrance, but an appeals court delayed the act after the Supreme Court decided it could go into effect.

Under Biden, the border’s security has been a historic failure.


See also:

 Hiding the Evidence: Media Blocked From Scene of Border Storming in El Paso


But now Jennie Taer, the Texas-based reporter for the New York Post who broke the story with her colleague James Breeden and posted the stunning video, says that the area where the mayhem occurred has been blocked off to the media. How convenient.

The video suggests the attempt to block the scene was unsuccessful.  The border has become an embarrassment to the Biden administration.  Biden is responsible for this fiasco.  He should have never reversed the Trump policies which were more effective at controlling the border. 


Biden’s Border Blowup

 Some 8 to 10 million illegal aliens from all over the world, as expected, have flooded across the border since President Joe Biden took office.



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