US war with Iran becoming more likely


Most U.S. likely voters say that tensions between Iran and the United States will likely lead to all-out war, including almost 1 in 4 who say war is "very likely," according to a new poll from Rasmussen Reports.

The survey, conducted earlier this month and released on Monday, found that 66% of likely voters in the U.S. say that the rising tensions in the Middle East between the United States and Iran will likely lead to war. Almost one-quarter, 24%, said that a war is "very likely," while 24% said that they don't think war is "very likely," and just 2% said war is "not at all likely."

Most voters, 65%, said that the U.S. military would likely win in an all-out war against Iran. Just 15% said the U.S. military cannot win, and 20% are unsure.

In addition, just under half of likely voters, 47%, said that President Joe Biden and his administration haven't been aggressive enough in dealing with Iran. Just 11% said that Biden has been too aggressive.

The poll also found that Republicans were more likely than Democrats or independents to rate China as the United States' most dangerous enemy, with 64% of Republicans, 50% of independents, and 35% of Democrats saying China is the most dangerous enemy.

The US is already in combat operations with Iranian proxy forces. Eventually, the US will have to deal directly with Iran which has been described as "the head of the snake" in Middle East combat. 

See also:

US admiral says the fight against the Houthis in the Red Sea is the largest battle the Navy's fought since World War II


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