Biden's border pretensions

 Red State:


It isn't too hard to figure out -- we're in the election season and he knows that it's one of the most important issues and that most Americans think he's done a horrible job protecting the border. After three years of letting the chaos run wild, Biden is finally trying to act like he cares while blaming the Republicans for all the problems he created. 

However, another reason that Biden is going is that former President Donald Trump is going.

On Thursday, Biden will be going to Brownsville, while Trump will visit Eagle Pass. Trump's trip was announced last week; Biden's was just announced on Monday. 

Biden is once again going to call for the passage of the horrible border bill he wants. Republicans don't support it because they don't think it helps border security, that indeed it only makes things worse. They contend that it basically codifies letting in thousands of people a day. 

A local reporter referred to his prior visit as a "dog and pony show" and it looks like this will be a similar effort, just so he can check the box and say, "I care." 


If Biden really cared about the border he would not have opposed the Trump policies that worked to substantially reduce illegal immigration.  Instead, Biden opened the borders and has allowed over seven million illegals into the country. 

See also:

Majority of Voters Support Building a Wall Along US-Mexico Border

  • Nearly two-thirds say illegal immigration is serious issue
  • Border wall polling comes as Trump, Biden to visit Texas


 President Biden to visit southern border on the same day as Donald Trump


 Biden, Trump book dueling border visits for Thursday as migrant crisis grows


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