Joe knows how to lose voters

 Monica Showalter:

Based on his abysmal job performance, Joe Biden's been unpopular with a lot of voting groups lately, and I'm not talking about just conservatives. 

He's managed to alienate Latinos, suburban voters, independents, young people.  He's lost a noticeable chunk of black male voters.  He's losing with women.

Inflation, violent crime, job competition from illegals, and the monstrous Afghanistan pullout are taking their toll on old Joe's presidential approval ratings.

Now we learn that the rot has spread to the core: even Progressives can't stand Joe Biden.

Here's a new poll from Civiqs spotted by Nick Arama at RedState:

[T]he 37 percent approval rating in the Civiqs' poll — a progressive poll — is bad. It's worse than the Real Clear Politics average which was already bad enough at 43 percent approval to 54 percent disapproval, and the Trafalgar Group poll that has him at 40.4 approval and 55.9 disapproval; although, the fact that they are so low, too, tends to indicate that Civiqs isn't an outlier, that it's on-trend.

In contrast, Civiqs delivers demographics by the barrel, and ... few of them give Biden or Democrats in general any reason to celebrate. The split among independents is actually worse in this poll, 26/63, for a gap of thirty-seven points rather than thirteen among indies. Unlike other recent polling, Biden's ahead with Hispanics but only 50/39, and only 65% of black voters approve of his job performance. Biden is underwater in almost every other Civiqs demo, even among 18-34YOs (29/55!), post-graduates (42/49), and even women (41/48). For the first time in a long while, a consensus has formed between college graduates (37/55) and non-college graduates (36/55).

So now even the progressives can't stand him.

This, in a way, is quite an expression of ingratitude.  Joe threw blacks, women, independents, Latinos, suburbanites, and others over the side in his bid to please the AOC crowd.

Gas prices through the roof.  Bye-bye, energy independence.  Federal drilling halted in the name of "going green."  A major pipeline shut down at the flick of Joe's pen.

No parental input in education.  Critical Race Theory drummed into the heads of the young.  Schools closed.  What teachers' unions want, teachers' union get.

Coddle and pay illegals with bottomless funding while border towns pay extra for the surge, crime, and spreading of COVID.


There is more.

What is hard to figure is a third of the country still supports Joe Biden.  His poor political instincts have been exposed. 

See, also:

Are Biden’s Approval Numbers Even Worse Than Reported?


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