A year of Bungled Bidenism

 Washington Examiner:

The year now ending should have been one of the easiest ever for a U.S. president.

It was a time of international peace and economic recovery. The southern border was secure. With three vaccines in hand, all President Joe Biden had to do was sit back and follow former President Donald Trump’s vaccination program, end the mask mandates, and let the economy bounce back from a government lockdown-created recession.

But Biden couldn’t leave well enough alone. Tempted by the siren’s song of left-wing historians whispering in his ear that he could be “the next FDR,” Biden pursued a radical far-left agenda that has left the United States weaker, poorer, and much more divided than it ever had to be.


Instead, he ushered in open borders, high energy costs, and inflation among other things.  There was also the Biden Afghan bug out leaving Americans and allies behind and emboldening adversaries like Putin to threaten Ukraine and the Chicoms threatening Taiwan.

See, also:

Putin warns Biden sanctions will be a 'colossal mistake' and threatens to SEVER ties: US president urges Russian leader to 'de-escalate' and says West will 'respond decisively' if he 'further invades' Ukraine


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