Democrats challenging AG Barr looked like fools

Seth Lipsky:
In the battle unfolding in Congress between the Democrats and Attorney General William Barr, I’m on the side of the US Constitution. That means defending not only Barr but also President Trump. The two men stand on America’s legal bedrock.

Which is why Barr was able to make short work of his Democratic questioners at Wednesday’s hearing in the Senate. His calm, straightforward testimony made it clear that he isn’t the caricature the Democrats have been drawing of him.

And events aren’t the conspiracy they are still trying to validate, even after special counsel Robert Mueller’s finding that there was no collusion, actual or attempted, ­between Trump’s camarilla and the Kremlin. Nor any prosecutable obstruction case.

Yet no sooner did Barr, under pressure for an early summary, send a sketch of Mueller’s report to Congress than the Democrats started suggesting he had spun the story in favor of the president. That was the guts of the hearing in the Senate.

The nastiest of the Democrats — Sen. Pat Leahy of Vermont — went so far as to suggest that Barr had misled Congress in his reporting of the investigation. He tweeted that Barr “knew that Mueller had serious concerns” about Barr’s summary report.

So what? Mueller didn’t accuse Barr of misrepresenting him. He complained that Barr’s letter sketching the key elements of Mueller’s report didn’t “fully capture” the report’s “context, nature and substance.” What four-page sketch can fully capture a 448-page report?

It turns out that Mueller wanted the report released piecemeal. Barr overruled him. It looks similar to, say, a hapless middle-ranking editor (Mueller) caught between an activist staff (Mueller’s Clintonite investigators) and a hard-headed boss (Barr).

Happens all the time, even in the Justice Department. Prosecutors ­often disagree with investigators. Big whoop. Top brass frequently overrule them, too. That’s one of the things they are there for. It’s why they get paid the big bucks.
There is more.

I thought the Democrats on the Senate panel looked bad too.  Some just looked like they were losing and others resorted to insults instead of questions.  That is not a good look and they got called on it.


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