The collapse of socialism in South America

IBD Editorial:
It's easy to get lost in the weeds of Brazil's, Venezuela's, or other Latin countries' internal political strife. But there's a broad, unmistakable trend out there: The region's socialist rule is collapsing as the cash runs out.

That's quite a change, given that in 2011, President Obama made Brazil the first stop on his first trip to Latin America, posing for glamorous pictures and hailing the country and its president, Dilma Rousseff, as the wave of the future.

He came with Export-Import bank credits and a plea for America to become Brazil's "best customer" in its nascent oil industry.
Today, the country is in shambles, a crony-looted, crime-infested, corruption-plagued mess that resembles its fellow BRIC, Boris Yeltsin's gangster-plagued Russia in the wake of the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991.
There is much more including the new government in Argentina and Guatemala.   Venezuela is on the brink of collapse and its socialist model manages to escape mention by Bernie Sanders who is pushing a socialist agenda in this country.


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