Money not buying political love this campaign

Washington Times:
After starting 2015 as the presumptive front-runner with a huge bankroll,Jeb Bush has to be ending the year wondering what went wrong with his presidential campaign, what happened to his Republican Party and where all his money went.

Mr. Bush and his super PAC burned through more than half of the $133 million they raised in the first three quarters this year. The return on that investment has been a drop in polls from about 15 percent when he entered the race in June to about 4 percent in recent surveys.

“He has not been a great candidate and the campaign never seemed to hit its strides despite all the money he had,” said Aubrey Jewett, a political science professor at the University of Jacksonville.
Other candidates who have spent heavily on advertising have gotten little return on their investment this cycle.  Trump has spend relatively little and Ted Cruz has been conserving cash and building a ground team rather than doing ad blitzes.  Those two are leading the polls at this point in the race.

Ben Carson is also getting little return on his ad dollars as he sinks in the polls.   Money no longer seems to be the mothers milk of politics this primary season.


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