Twitter became a sewer of hate during election

NY Times:

Twitter Seen as Key Engine in Russian Influence Campaign

Twitter may have been used even more extensively than Facebook as a tool for Russian interference. Congress has invited both social media sites, as well as Google, to a hearing, a Senate aide said.
Whoever was responsible for the material on Twitter during the election made it unreadable in my opinion.  I got so disgusted with it that I just tuned it out and did not go back to Twitter until after the election when the tone reverted back to its past as a tool for finding stories on other sites that might be blogworthy.   Facebook during the election was not nearly as bad.  I occasionally saw some of the ads but did not find them in any way persuasive.

I should point out that I was not a Trump supporter during the primaries and struggled with my decision in the general election but it was never to the point of voting for Hillary Clinton.  I ultimately cast my vote for Trump because I thought Hillary Clinton would be a terrible President.  Her actions since the election have only confirmed my judgment, and Trump has been better than I expected.

The actions of the Democrats to try to delegitimize the results of the election have also hardened my opposition to them and their agenda.  They have produced no evidence of any collusion by Trump and the Russians despite illegal leaks by intelligence agencies and a special prosecutor who is acting more like a Gestapo agent than engaging in a thoughtful search for the truth.

During the election, I never had a high regard for Mr. Manafort, but his treatment by Mueller has been appalling.  It gives the appearance of an extortion racket where Mueller's team is searching for evidence to make Manafort say something that will hurt the President regardless of whether there are any facts to support it.

 Mueller's investigation is reminiscent of a totalitarian attempt to trap a political opponent.  He has been threatened with an indictment, but no one can say what crime he would be indicted for.  That is not how the criminal justice system is supposed to work.  Normally there is a report of a crime before someone is accused of committing it.

Mueller has hired almost all Democrat partisan, in what was supposed to be a non-partisan investigation.  At this point, I would say his work has been tainted by teh appearance of partisanship.


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