Media still getting it wrong on NFL protests

Washington Post:
When NFL players protest racism, some critics see only ‘millionaire athletes’ who should be silent

Many people have the false idea that money is a savior, capable of protecting those who have it from all of life's uglier challenges.
Normally the media is the last place to feel sorry for millionaires, but that is not the point of the upset with the protest.   The players are free to protest all they want to on their own time and in their own space.

But just as you would not want to be hectored by a waiter at a restaurant about his political views or at a hardware store or a grocery store, when they are on the field, that in most cases taxpayers paid a good part of the costs of and they disrespect the national anthem, they are out of place and should be told that.  Most responsible owners would fire employees who chased off customers whether they are millionaires or not.

I can guarantee you, that if the hardware salesman started lecturing me about his political point of view, I would be looking for another store.  If a waiter starts calling law enforcement officer racists I would just leave.

The players are wrong to do this while wearing the team uniform and on the football field.  But on top of that, they are just wrong about law enforcement.  Blacks are much more likely to be killed by another black man than they are by the police.  In fact, police are killed at a higher rate by black males.

The media has been pushing the black grievance ever since the Ferguson police killed a strong arm robbery suspect who tried to take an officers gun.  This whole protest sprang out of the "hands up, don't shoot" lie that came out of that confrontation.  The reaction to the events by the racial grievance pushers has made things much worse for blacks because the police are now no longer being proactive in stopping potential crimes.  It is one reason why the crime rate has gone up and blacks are the primary victims.

The media and the players are doing a horrible disservice to the black community by pushing this bogus narrative.


  1. Man, you really don't get it, do you? "The media and the players are doing a horrible disservice to the black community by pushing this bogus narrative."

    Firstly, the (((media))) doesn't give a crap about "the black community", they've created this in their never-ending march of marxism agaist the enemy - White, Christian America.

    Theodore Adorno and the rest of the Frankfurt School would be proud.


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