The Obama-Clinton fiasco in Libya gets worse

Washington Post:
These Libyan ex-militiamen were once linked to al-Qaeda. Now they wield power in a new order.

Abdulhakim Belhadj and other leaders of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group are helping reshape the war-torn North African country.
It does not appear to be reshaped for the better.  It has become a base for a human trafficking organization facilitating African illegal immigration into Europe.  By topping the government and not having troops on teh ground to secure the armories, Obama and Clinton facilitated the arming of Islamic terrorist all across the region.

What is worse from a strategic sense is by toppling the Libyan government after it gave up its nuclear and WMD programs, made it impossible to get North Korea to give up its programs.

The country has also become a base for ISIS.

The Obama-Clinton policy in Libya has been a strategic disaster of the first order.


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