Iranian perverts object to men's clothes too


Two thousand young men in Iran have protested against new clothing curbs, reports say, amid growing discontent about a crackdown on un-Islamic dress.

Shiraz university students were angry about new rules banning sleeveless T-shirts, even inside all-male dorms.

The protest came as the judiciary head warned police that an excessively ferocious campaign could backfire.

Police say they stopped more than 1,300 women for dressing immodestly on the first day of the campaign in Tehran.

More than 100 women were arrested on Saturday; half of them had to sign statements promising to improve their clothing, the other half are being referred to court.

The focus of the new campaign is to stop women wearing tight overcoats that reveal the shape of their bodies or showing too much hair from beneath their headscarves.

However, young men have also been arrested for sporting wild hair styles or T-shirts considered immodest.


There is always a crackdown at the start of summer as women start wearing more skimpy clothes because of the hot weather.


The newspapers are full of pictures of women being arrested for their un-Islamic clothing, but foreign journalists have been prevented from filming it.


This is akin to the Australian supreme perverts suggestion that women who exposed their hair were inviting sex with anyone who wanted it. There is something wrong with a culture where man can not control their sexual desires when they see a woman's hair, arms, or legs. I can't imagine what their problem is with seeing men's hairy arms.


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