Iran's pervert fashion police go after men's ties


Barbers' shops in Iran have been ordered not to serve customers who wear ties or bow ties, Iranian press says.

Police say the shops risk closure if they break the rules.

In the early days of the revolution wearing a tie was seen as a symbol of western decadence, but in recent years this has relaxed considerably.

The latest directive is part of a campaign against westernised clothes, which has so far focused on women's headscarves and Islamic covering.

Etemad newspaper reports that the moral police sent a circular round to barbers' shops and hairdressers ordering them not to serve customers with ties or they could be closed temporarily or even lose their licenses.


The latest crackdown on poor Islamic clothing or "bad hijab" as it's known locally has seen men targeted for the first time in years.

Some have been warned not to wear short-sleeved shirts while there are instances of boys with wild, spiky hairstyles forcibly having a stripe shaved down the middle of their head, so they have to go and have the rest removed afterwards.

Hundreds of Iranian women have been arrested in the last week for bad hijab.

Clearly there is a war against freedom going on in Iran. People who do not follow the dress dictates are seen as rebelling against the weird religious beliefs of the Ayatollahs. They are not quite as weird as the madrases dress codes in Pakistan, but the anti freedom agenda is clear.


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