Kurds protest honor killings

Gateway Pundit has the story on the stoning death of a young woman by her family.


Du'a Khalil Aswad, a 17 year old Kurdish girl was murdered by public stoning after running away from home for a so-called honour crime. Du'a was a member of Iraq’s Yezidi religious minority from the village of Bahzan in northern Iraq. She was killed by a group of men and in the presence of a large noisy crowd in the town of Bashika, near the city of Mosul. Some of her relatives may have participated in her stoning.

The Yezidi are a strange sect, but they appear to have adopted some of the brutality of the Islamist religious bigots. The primitive nature of these religious cults is something that must be overcome for this region to make progress. The Kurds appear to get it/ Maybe there is hope for the rest of the region.


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