Mr. Iraqi's friends also captured

The Jawa Report:

Pardon my speculation, but as soon as I learned that the Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi was the 7/7 London bombing mastermind, I couldn't help but think that it was a bit singular that six former al Mujahiroun goons, including Abu Izzadeen who publicly supported the 7/7 terrorists, were arrested just days before the announcement that Abd al-Hadi was in U.S. custody.

Glen Jenvey has been insisting to me for some time that ever since the arrest of Abu Hamza (which he had a hand in) that Omar Bakri Mohammed, and his two right-hand men Abu Izzadeen and Anjem Choudary, were the face of al Qaeda in Britain. A charge that is backed up by hours of video and audio of the group supporting jihadists, including al Qaeda, and Omar Bakri Mohammed's pre-9/11 boasting that he was the spokesperson for al Qaeda in the U.K., an affiliation he later denied.

But another fact suddenly comes to mind, something that didn't really click until just now. The forum on which Izzadeen and other Bakri followers now congregate is called "Islam Base". Al Qaeda literally means, "the Base". *Rusty slaps forehead for overlooking the obvious*


Rusty has been all over the Izzadeen connection and I think he is right about the coincidence of the transfer of the al Qaeda terrorist that the NY Times refers to as Mr. Iraqi. It appears to be all bad news for the enemy, which may explain the subdued reporting in the US media. If you scroll down this blog you will see several posts from the Brit media where the significance of the capture of this terrorist leader is explored in more detail, particularly his connection to the bombing in London.


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