Hunter puts loser Reid on defensive

Washington Times:

The ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee has called for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to resign his leadership post for saying the U.S. has lost the war in Iraq.
"This unfortunate statement is both inaccurate and damaging ... [and] can have no effect but to demoralize the brave men and women who are honorably fulfilling their mission in Iraq," said Rep. Duncan Hunter of California in a letter to Mr. Reid.
Mr. Hunter, an Army Ranger in the Vietnam War whose son, a Marine, is returning to Iraq for his third combat tour, wrote that his friendship with Mr. Reid is secondary to his obligation to the nation's wartime military forces.
"In light of the fact that this statement has both been used by our adversaries and has exhibited a marked lack of leadership to U.S. troops, I call on you to resign your leadership position," said Mr. Hunter, who is running for president.
Mr. Hunter added that Mr. Reid's comments "will undoubtedly be used by terrorist leaders to rally their followers -- inevitably leading to increased attacks on U.S. and coalition forces."
A spokesman for Mr. Reid declined to respond directly about the letter.
"I'm not going to dignify that comment from a presidential wannabe," Reid spokesman Jim Manley said yesterday.
Mr. Manley added that if Mr. Hunter is so concerned about winning the war in Iraq he should work with his own party to draft a workable solution instead of "lashing out" at the opposition.
Hunter spokesman Joe Kasper said yesterday that Mr. Reid hasn't responded to the letter, which was sent Wednesday.
Has Reid ever been that tough on al Qaeda? He seems to save all his tough talk for Republicans who want to win the war which he clearly does not want to win. He is definitely being defensive these days and unresponsive to the criticism. Lashing out with name calling does not suggest a guy who is secure with his position.


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