Al Qaeda supporters found at sensitive sites in UK, US

Sunday Telegraph:

Suspects linked to al-Qaeda have obtained sensitive jobs in vital industries that could be the target of terrorist attacks, it can be revealed.

The individuals were uncovered by police and the security services in operations designed to protect key British sites such as transport hubs, power stations and the water supply.

Security chiefs believe that they may have become radicalised while already in employment, thus evading the strict vetting procedure for applicants for security-sensitive posts.

Following the discovery, the Government is to draft new guidelines for companies to strengthen systems for monitoring staff. Employees will be encouraged to report any concerns they may have about suspicious behaviour by colleagues.

Other elements of the critical national infrastructure that the Government has drawn up include plans to defend telecommunications, food supply, finance, key health facilities and the emergency services.

A senior Whitehall source said: "Police and the intelligence services are coming across more names - I'm not saying a huge number, but more cases - where they are identifying people they are concerned about that are working in jobs of some sensitivity."

MI5 is understood to have unmasked al-Qaeda sympathisers who joined its ranks during a recruitment drive aimed at young British Muslims, following the London bombings. At least three Metropolitan Police officers have also been investigated over visits they made to Pakistan, according to the Association of Muslim Police.

This month, a former employee at America's biggest nuclear power plant was charged with taking access codes and layout plans to Iran.

Mohammed Alavi, 49, a US citizen, is accused of downloading sensitive information about Palos Verde Nuclear Generation Station while on a visit to Teheran. He denies wrongdoing but could face up to two years in prison if convicted.

I think this is a bigger problem in the UK where more radicalized Muslims are already living, but he Palo Verde incident shows we are not immune from infiltration., by al Qaeda or Iran both of whom are at war with us. The story also makes clear that vigilance cannot stop with the vetting process. The question is whether the Democrats and the anti war will come to their senses before the next enemy attack.


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