Mr. Iraqi and the Saudi bust of 172 terrorist

His name is not mentioned in the reports on the breakup of the plot to destroy oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, but the al Qaeda terrorist recently sent to Gitmo that the NY Times calls Mr. Iraqi was captured about nine months ago. According to Reuters, that is about the time that the Saudis started making arrest in the giant plot. The Saudis do not think they are finished with arrests and they are probably right.

The arrest of 172 suspected militants did not end the al Qaeda-linked threat in Saudi Arabia, the interior minister was quoted on Saturday as saying.

Prince Nayef told the Arabic-language al-Riyadh daily a Saudi man was held on suspicion of being the spiritual leader of the largest of the seven cells which were smashed, foiling a plot to attack oil facilities and military bases.

"We cannot say that we are finished from these deviants," Prince Nayef said. "But efforts will continue. The eyes...are wide open and efforts are under way to purify our country from every evil."


Most of those arrested were Saudis, and security sources said others were from Yemen, Nigeria and other countries. Police seized weapons, computers and more than 20 million riyals ($5 million) in cash.


Thomas Hegghammer, a Norway-based counter-terrorism expert, said the men were arrested over a period of nine months. (Emphasis added.)

"I don't see it as one big plot... These guys were picked up over a period of nine months, and I suspect they include many different groups involved in a variety of activities," he said.

Such activities might include recruiting militants for Iraq and Internet propaganda, he said.

I am sure there are more religious bigots still to be rounded up in Saudi Arabia. Given Mr. Iraqi's position as head of operations for attacks like the one in London, I suspect he was also in charge of this plot. When you consider the timing of the Saudi announcement coincided with the announcement that Mr. Iraqi was going to Gitmo it make sense. There is also the coincidence of this arrest.


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