Moyer's ludicrous premise

Brian Montopoli challenges Moyer's premise and his editing in his show critical of th media's questioning of President Bush before the war in Iraq. He talks about several tough questions put to the president in the same news conference Moyer's cherry picked for soft ball questions. He is right, of course.

The proposition that the media has ever given President Bush a pass hardly passes the laugh test. What we have hear is more of the same speculation that was raised when we, like Saddam, were not able to account for the WMD that Saddam had previously declared and that intelligence agencies around the world, as well as the UN said he had.

It should be noted that the Iraqi survey group as well as others who looked for the WMD were never able to prove Saddam did not have it. All they proved is that we could not find it. They were left to speculate on why it could not be found. That is very different and it suggest that it is still unaccounted for.


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