UK Muslim religous bigots may attack US


Home-grown British terrorists now regard themselves as part of “global insurgency” that poses a new threat to international security, according to an official US report published yesterday.

The finding, in the State Department’s annual country report on terrorism, reflects growing fears on both sides of the Atlantic about radicalised young British Muslims.

British intelligence chiefs have confirmed to The Times that they are worried by the prospect of the next attack in America being committed by a British citizen arriving without hindrance in the US on the visa waiver programme. They are liaising closely with the FBI to identify possible suspects.

Sir David Manning, the British Ambassador to Washington, has said that the possibility of such an attack concerns him. However, he added that “the impulse of both countries has always been to work together closely on this issue” - otherwise there would have been drastic new restrictions on the ease of transatlantic travel by now.


The report said that there is evidence that al-Qaeda is shifting to “guerrilla terrorism”, through which it seeks to “manipulate and exploit grievances in at-risk populations”. It added: “A deeper trend is the shift in the nature of terrorism, from traditional international terrorism of the late 20th century into a form of transnational non-state warfare that resembles of form of global insurgency.”

Perhaps Henry Waxman can send al Qaeda a subpoena and ask them to testify. No doubt he would be more concerned about any violation of the terrorist rights than he would their stated intentions to make war against us. We can count on liberals to ignore the enemy and focus on defeating Republicans until the next attack which they will then blame on Republicans and open a new investigation.


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