Will kooks say Bush knocked down California freeway?

AP/Houston Chronicle:

A stretch of highway near the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge collapsed today after a gasoline tanker crashed and burst into flames, leaving one of the nation's busiest spans in a state of near paralysis. Officials said traffic could be disrupted for months.

Flames shot 200 feet in the air and the heat was intense enough to melt part of the freeway and cause the collapse, but the truck's driver walked away from the scene with second-degree burns. No other injuries were reported.

Haven't the conspiracy kooks been saying that fuel fires are not hot enough to collapse steel and crumble concrete? Isn't that their reason for coming up with a theory that the government blew up the World Trade Center? Will they admit they are wrong after looking at the above photo? Click on it to enlarge.

Thomas Lifson says it is a great spot for a terrorist attack. "The San Francisco Bay Area faces months of horrible traffic disruption thanks to the explosion of a gasoline tanker truck at one of the worst spots imaginable, the so-called McArthur Maze where the Bay Bridge from San Francisco connects with three freeways taking traffic north, east and south."

The San Francisco Chronicle story also has some pictures that you need to click on.


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