Romney notes Democrat cowardice

Jonathon Martin and Mike Allen:

Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney accused Democrats of cowardice in ducking presidential debates hosted by sponsors they dislike, saying that Republicans have proven more willing to appear in potentially hostile forums.

Romney said the May 3 debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library -- co-sponsored by The Politico and MSNBC -- proves that Republicans "have a lot more courage of our convictions," because they are willing to take questions from a moderator who earlier in his career worked as an aide to Democratic politicians. Democratic presidential candidates have refused to take part in two debates co-sponsored by Fox News, arguing that the network is slanted toward Republicans.

"Why is it that the Democrats wouldn't even go on Fox, but we Republicans are happy to sit there and have Chris Matthews of the Carter administration, former chief of staff to (ex-House speaker) Tip O'Neill?" asked Romney, in a Tuesday evening interview here with The Politico. "We're happy to sit there and have him dish questions to us, but they won't even go on Fox."

If these guys can't hold their own on Fox how can they expect to hold their own when dealing with people who want to kill us? Cowardice is not a great attribute for a party that is already under attack for promoting cowardice in the war with the enemy who is trying to lkill all of us regardless of party affiliation.


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