Biden's idiotic response to the border crisis he created

 Federalist Wire:


Illegal immigration has been out of control ever since Joe Biden took office in 2021.

A massive crisis at the southern border has occurred under the president’s watch and he and his administration don’t seem too concerned about it.

In fact, Biden doesn’t believe that the mass influx of illegal aliens in this country is his fault. He believes that it’s the fault of the GOP.

This past Thursday, a piece of immigration legislation failed in the U.S. Senate.

The bill would have helped to expand legal immigration in the United States, but it would have brought about more encounters with migrants at the border. To be exact, 35,000 more encounters with migrants would be permitted before any sort of border enforcement would be utilized.

More green cards would be passed out, and worker permits would be given out to migrants in a quicker manner.

So in all reality, the bill would have done nothing to stop the illegal immigration problem that the country is currently facing.

Biden thinks otherwise and blamed Republicans for the bill not passing in the Senate.

He claims that the GOP is not interested with “securing the border or fixing America’s broken immigration system.” He also said that Republicans are “choosing to stand in the way of border enforcement.”

“We must make our border more secure and we must make sure the United States remains a beacon of hope and opportunity. Today and every day, I remain committed to taking action to address our broken immigration system,” the president said.

The U.S. House has pointed out 64 decisions that Joe Biden has made since assuming office in 2021 which have allowed illegal immigration to rise.

Some of those policy decisions include stopping the construction of the wall at the southern border, putting an end to Title 42, and stopping the Remain in Mexico policy.

The president is also about to set a record pertaining to illegal immigration that no president wants to set.

According to the House Homeland Security Committee’s projections, illegal migrant encounters under the Biden admin in the U.S. will go over 10 million before Fiscal Year 2024 comes to a close.

Biden is acting like he can lie his way out of an unpopular policy he created starting soon after he was sworn in as president. Biden and those pulling his strings in his admistration deserved to be defeated in a landslide.


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