Immigration issue gets hot for Democrats

 PJ Media:

The past week has seen an unraveling of the Democratic coalition that elected Joe Biden president. And the issue that set it off was Joe Biden’s grand vision of fixing the immigration system.

But Biden’s vision didn’t account for the realities at the southern border. And the catalyst was the Haitian exodus to the United States that didn’t work out for the newcomers or Joe Biden’s government. The images of CPB agents on horseback trying to protect the border were tailor-made for activists eager to compare anything and everything the Border Patrol does to slavery and racism. They gratefully pounced on the images, using them to illustrate…something bad. And this forced the usual suspects in the activist community to respond.

Mainstream Democrats criticized Biden for the treatment of the Haitians. So did the Hispanic Caucus, the Black Caucus, the Asian Pacific American Caucus, the Progressive Caucus, and 17 Democratic attorneys general.

If you get the feeling that Biden’s radical friends are starting to desert him, you’d be right.


If Title 42 is declared unconstitutional — as it certainly could be — the crush of refugees at the border will overwhelm our facilities. “U.S. law says that any person in the United States or at the border with the United States has a right to seek asylum,” said Olga Byrne, the immigration director at the International Rescue Committee. That right includes a court hearing to protect the asylum seekers’ due process rights. Court decisions also require the government to release an asylum seeker into the U.S. while awaiting his or her court date — three to five years down the road.

The radical immigration activists of the Democratic Party don’t care if there’s chaos at the border. All they care about is a radical vision of nations without borders. Borders are racist. Borders are inhumane. Tearing them down is necessary to achieve the goal of equality and brotherhood for all.

Even if it sends most of us to the poor house.


 It looks like Democrats plan to destroy the country by importing voters and illnesses.  It is another reason why the jobless totals keep rising.

See, also:

Biden deliberately created the illegal immigration crisis


 By now, the crisis at the U.S. southern border appears not merely incompetent, but downright sinister.



Life along the border collapses as Biden fiddles


Abbott Charges Biden, Mayorkas In 'Dereliction Of Duty' on Southern Border Crisis


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