Biden's big Border Patrol lie

 Washington Examiner:

It takes an extraordinary amount of gall to order uniformed men into a dangerous situation that you yourself created and then, after they have done their job valiantly, defame them on national television.

But that is exactly what President Joe Biden did this week.

Thanks to his open invitation to illegal border-crossers (“You should come”), his catch-and-release policies, and his dismantling of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Biden has created an environment for the development of chronic humanitarian crises at the southern border.

One such crisis metastasized last week in Del Rio, Texas, where a shantytown of 15,000 Haitian migrants formed under a bridge linking the United States to Mexico. The migrants had been trickling through Del Rio for weeks, where Customs and Border Protection agents would process and release them into the U.S., which is Biden’s policy.

The migrants were only responding to incentives created by Biden. In cities throughout the U.S., the Haitian diaspora has been communicating with their friends and family throughout the hemisphere using Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp. Their message? Now is the time to come.


Last Sunday, a photographer from the Mexican side of the border photographed these mounted CBP agents in action, including agents using reins to control their horses. These pictures were then used by open-borders activists and their allies in the media to accuse the border agents falsely of whipping the Haitian migrants.

Biden apparently believed these lies. “To see people treated like they did, horses running them over, people being strapped,” Biden said while making a whipping motion with his hand. “It's outrageous. I promise you those people will pay.”

Except that no migrant was ever run over by any horse, and no migrant was ever whipped or strapped. The photographer who took the photos explained to a local news station, “Some of the Haitian men started running, trying to go around the horses. I’ve never seen them whip anyone.”

The agents Biden defamed and the migrants he cruelly sent back to Haiti are all just collateral damage in Biden’s larger southern border strategy. It is not that Biden wants to facilitate a full-scale invasion of the southern border. It is that the radical leftists who staff his administration honestly believe that anyone in the world who wants to come to America should have the right to do so.


This is one more historical bit of hysteria that will be lodged against Biden's Presidency.  There should be ads brought against all the Democrats who tried to change the subject about Biden's immigration fiasco to this false narrative.


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