The left is dehumanizing Trump supporters and promoting violence against them

Miranda Devine:
Universal Studios has canceled the release of its violent new R-rated massacre movie, “The Hunt,” for now, but the fact it even was made shows we’ve reached a dangerous new point in our political culture.

You have to wonder what twisted minds would dream up this liberal fantasy of jet-setting elites hunting down conservatives like vermin.

“They’re not human beings” the Hillary Swank character says at one point, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

“The Hunt,” originally titled “Red State vs. Blue State,” is a sign of where irrational Trump hatred has taken us.

It’s what the left is doing in real life. They’re dehumanizing their opponents and trying to incite violence against them.

The president’s detractors have tried for almost three years to break him. Russia didn’t work, Stormy didn’t work. Impeachment won’t work.

They’ve smeared his wife, his kids. They call him a fat slob, a psychopath and a Russian agent.

They’ve used the most violent rhetoric imaginable, from Madonna thinking about blowing up the White House to Kathy Griffin posing with a severed fake Trump head to Robert De Niro wanting to punch Trump in the face.

But nothing works. The more they abuse him, the more he relishes baiting them. He is impervious to their attacks, and his approval ratings haven’t budged.

So they have gone berserk. First, they projected their own murderous thoughts onto Trump, blaming him for the recent El Paso and Dayton massacres.

And in the next breath, they issued death threats against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

“Just stab the motherf–ker in the heart,” said one charming protester on the lawn outside his house last weekend.

For Trump haters, the means justify the ends, and everyone knows that removing the president from public life is the only end worth pursuing, no matter how foul the means.

The real coarsening of American life comes not from a president who tweets low barbs at his enemies 24/7, it comes from his opponents, who have broken every rule of truth and fair play in politics and journalism.

So unscrupulous are they in their blinkered hunt for Trump’s scalp that they don’t care if the lies they tell endanger people and deepen the divisions in the country, even while they lament the coarsening of the political debate.

Now, having failed in their pursuit of Trump, they’re coming after anyone who supports him. It’s demonization by association.
From Joaquin Castro to guests on MSNBC Democrats have sought to demonize and intimidate Trump Donors.  Even Joe Biden, the Democrat front runner for President has threatened to assault Trump.  There is something really sick about their actions and the coarsening of discourse.  They have slandered Trump and his supporters with bogus charges of racism and white supremacy.  There appears to be few withing the Democrat party who will condemn this abusive behavior.  This lack of leadership is apalling.


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