The left's false narrative about Trump

David Prentice:
"It was always burning, since the world's been turning."

Apologies to Billy Joel. But Trump really didn't start this fire of incivility. Nor did he ever preach violence. Or racial animosity. Or economic injustice. He doesn't roll that way. Never has. Never will. He fights. Hard. But the characterization and narrative of him being unfit, racist, and violent is absurd.

Don't tell that to your leftist friends and their biased media allies. They want you to believe that Trump did start the fire. All the fires. Not only did he start them, but he's responsible for everything the left perceives as wrong with our world.


If you're a leftist, and particularly a media leftist, think of what you've blamed him for. It's a staggering list. A list of deceit from the left that may never end. Treason with Russia, sexually assaulting numerous women, starting fights; he's racist, misogynistic, hates immigrants, cheats on his taxes, cheated in business, uses the presidency to enrich his family and companies. He incited the pipe bomb violence and the synagogue murders.

Start with número uno: Trump colluding with Russia to steal the election from Hillary. A more deceit-filled, stupid narrative may never have been pushed by the Democratic media slaves. Ever. Yet it's still alive after two years of nonstop coverage and proclamation. It's like the return of the living dead. It never stops coming – even though there is zero evidence of any such collusion happening. Zero. Yet the geniuses in our leftist media will never admit there is no evidence. Jake Tapper, Joe Scarborough, and Rachel Maddow have gotten richer off this giant fake scandal than any con man ever could have. They reported it daily, breathlessly implying treason, a stolen election, an unfit president, a man for no seasons.
There is much more.

No wonder Trump calls much of the media reporting "Fake News."  They set out to destroy him and would not let the truth stop them from their objectives.


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