Susan Rice continues to be an embarrassment to the US

NY Times:

Obama Aide Calls Netanyahu’s Planned Visit ‘Destructive’ to U.S.-Israel Ties

The remarks by Susan E. Rice, the national security adviser, were the administration’s strongest public rebuke since the Israeli leader agreed to speak to Congress.
The Obama administration is the one that can best be described as destructive to the relationship with Israel.   They are pushing forward with a Munich like arrangement with Iran which has a stated goal of destroying Israel.  This is the same woman who repeated a false narrative about the Benghazi attack ignoring substantial evidence that it was terrorist inspired and instead blaming it on a video.  In a competent administration she should have been fired by now.

She is also demonstration the totalitarian tendencies of the liberals in this administration to try to shut down debate on an issue rather than allow opponents of their bad ideas to speak.  The reaction of the Obama administration to Netanyahu's speech is shameful.  No wonder there is so little trust in Israel and in Congress for Obama's negotiations.  It looks like the best hope for avoiding a bad deal is that Iran will reject it anyway.


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